I’ve Been Making the Same Wish

Abby Jaquint
4 min readNov 12, 2019

And it’s been years and years and years.

Photo by Neil Bates on Unsplash

I make 11:11 wishes almost every day.

For the past few years, my 11:11 wish has been the same.

Until it came true one night inside a Walmart.

After that night, the next 11:11 came around, and it took me maybe ten seconds to think of a new wish.

I was working on my novel at the time, and it was nearing what I believed to be the end. My wish for that night was for someone to see its potential and publish it.

I didn’t finish that novel for almost a year, and I’d been working on it for several years prior.

When I wasn’t making the same, deep, personal wish, I had spent this year and a few 11:11’s before wishing for this novel to be published. I knew I couldn’t just will it into existence (though that would be the dream, wouldn’t it?), but it was my baby, and I put all my faith in it. So, I wished.

The novel will be released this upcoming summer.

A publishing company picked up on it (after a myriad of rejections, which I handled like a champ), and decided it was one of the books they wanted to publish next year.

I cried and cried, mainly because this book means the absolute world to me, and now people were going to get the…



Abby Jaquint

Novelist. 24. I write about writing and productivity. Check me out on Amazon or Barnes and Noble!