Fighting Your Writing Insecurities

Abby Jaquint
2 min readDec 25, 2019
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

I’m constantly worried that what I’m doing is wrong.

That I’m not writing the right way for my audience, that I’m not doing my characters justice, that my writing is filled with plot holes.

And not only that, but I tend to get stuck in this endless cycle of not liking what I’ve written, then spending too long editing. So much time editing, in fact, that the story or article never gets written.

“What am I doing wrong?” I ask. “What could I be doing better?

Well, for one, I’m not writing. That’s a start.

And I think that’s something that most of us don’t consider to be a factor when it comes to our writing insecurities.

It’s easier said than done, but if you want to get past your insecurities, you have to just start writing. That means no staring at the work you have so far, wondering if it’s right or wrong, wondering if you should even continue. Of course you should continue.

Even if it turns out to be the worst thing you’ve ever written. Even if you end up not wanting to publish it. Even if you don’t even want to share it with friends or family. The point is that you’ve done it.

Doing it is the first step, and, frankly, it’s the most important step. Believing that what you’re writing is “bad” definitely…



Abby Jaquint

Novelist. 24. I write about writing and productivity. Check me out on Amazon or Barnes and Noble!